воскресенье, 3 мая 2009 г.

Связка говорит He' s подписал дальше для третьего Летуч-Щелчка - связанных проволокой новостей

The Age

Bale Says He's Signed On for Third Bat-Flick
Wired News - Lewis WallaceLewis Wallace
In the interview, which is the second installment of a five-parter totalfilm.com is rolling out this week, Bale also talks about his Oscar-winning Dark Knight co-star, the late Heath Ledger. Bale plays robot-battling resistance fighter John Connor in ...
Christian Bale Talks 'Batman 3' KillerMovies
Would You See A Bale-Less Batman Movie? New York Post
all 144 news articles

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