четверг, 26 февраля 2009 г.

Oscars 2009: Шон Пенн защищает права гомосексуалистов по мере того как протестующие злоупотребляют… - Telegraph.co.uk


Oscars 2009: Sean Penn defends gay rights as protesters abuse ...
Telegraph.co.uk, United Kingdom
Sean Penn jokingly praised the "homo-loving" Academy as the Oscars became a platform for gay rights, with protesters outside waving placards saying Heath Ledger burned in hell. By staff in Los Angeles Stars on their way to the Kodak Theatre in Los ...
And the Oscar goes to... Luther College Chips
Right Wing Embraces Phelps, Rejects Penn’s "Milk" Win EDGE Boston
Gay marriage is inevitable, Sean Penn tells world's press after ... PinkNews.co.uk
Chicago Tribune  - Digital Spy
all 789 news articles

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